Outstanding Contribution Award

The John Aitchison Award for Outstanding Contribution
Recognising those members who have ‘gone the extra mile’ to benefit the BHBIA membership.

2023 Winner: Simon Barnes, Sanofi 

Simon accepting his award from BHBIA Board members at the Winter Seminar

Simon was nominated for his dedication in setting up and leading the BHBIA DE&I initiative. Simon was fundamental in establishing this group and has been involved in the initiative since day one. He is the current chair and a tenacious leader of the DE&I Committee. 

In his ‘day job’ Simon is a senior leader in the UK BI field and, as such, a very busy person. However, he makes time for the committee working to ensure the initiatives of the group move forward. 

Simon commented "“I am extremely honoured to receive this award, having known and worked with John over a number of years this is very special for me. I have always viewed the BHBIA as a critical organisation across the Business Intelligence industry throughout my career and if I have helped in it’s success in a small way then that gives me enormous satisfaction. The recognition of this award should also go to those that have contributed to the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion committee throughout the last 3 years and give us all a boost to power forward with new initiatives in the oncoming months. Thanks to the committee for the recognition and I look forward to seeing everyone in May at Conference.”

About the award

This award recognises those members who have ‘gone the extra mile’ to benefit of the BHBIA membership. It is dedicated to John Aitchison, who sadly passed away in 2020, in recognition of John's exceptional commitment to the BHBIA and our industry. 

Members are invited to nominate those individuals who have made a valuable contribution to the BHBIA and its members during the year. The BHBIA Board then selects the winner.

We welcome nominations in any aspect of the BHBIA's activity, for example:

  • Someone who has helped to raise standards of legal and ethical compliance through their work on guidelines
  • Someone who has made a significant contribution to professional development or best practice through their involvement in training courses and events
  • Someone who has put an exceptional effort into the activities of a BHBIA committee or initiative

Find out about past winners.

Nomination criteria

  • All nominees must be a member of the BHBIA and you can not nominate yourself.
  • Current members of the BHBIA Board are not eligible to be nominated for these awards, nor are employees or anyone contracted to work on behalf of the organisation.
  • You may submit more than one nomination. Please use a separate form for each.


The winner will receive an engraved glass trophy and BHBIA training and events vouchers to be used by the end of the following year. This allows personal members to attend an event that may otherwise be too expensive or rewards the companies who support their people to work on BHBIA activities.

Timetable for the Outstanding Contribution Award 2024

  • Nominations open: 2nd September 2024
  • Deadline for nominations: 11th October 2024
  • Nominations reviewed by BHBIA Board: October - November 2024
  • Winner(s) announced: BHBIA Winter Seminar, 6th December 2024 
  • Presentation of Award to winner(s): BHBIA Annual Conference 2025