Entries for the BOBI Analyst Team of the Year closed on 3rd February.
Only those companies who submitted an entry on or before 3rd February may participate in the competition.
The competition will take place Tuesday 11th - Thursday 13th February.
Tuesday 11 February, 07:30 – Datasets released
Tuesday 11 February, 09:30 – Virtual briefing via Zoom
The briefing document will include a Zoom link and instructions for how to join anonymously.
Tuesday 11th February, 14:00 – Q&A Call
If you have any questions, please email them to admin@bhbia.org.uk by 12:30 on 11th February. We will answer them on this Q&A call. The briefing document will include a Zoom link and instructions for how to join anonymously.
Thursday 13 February by 16:00 – Submit your entry online
This briefing document contains links to the dataset and all the information you need to participate in this year's competition.
The BHBIA thanks 14 Four Analytics for their sponsorship of this award.