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BHBIA Online Virtual Workshops – Optimising Engagement and Outcomes with Behavioural Science Bias

via Zoom
Friday 28 April 2023, 12.30-1.30pm

Webinar recording now available
Full BHBIA members only - you will need to log in to access it - once logged in, the link and password will appear on the page below this text.

In this webinar we will deep-dive into the psychology behind successful workshops and explore the range of subconscious biases that exist which can influence engagement and outcomes. 

We will reveal what these biases are, what they mean and how you can overcome them in your next online workshop

This session follows on from the Running Successful Virtual Workshops webinar that took place in 2022 and provided a broad framework for how to optimise engagement and deliver successful workshops. 

If you missed it you can find the recording here: 

This webinar will be run for us by Ben Lorkin and Emilie Genero from Day One Strategy. We are very grateful to the team for providing their time and expertise for the benefit of BHBIA members. Find out more about the presenters below:

Ben has 16 years healthcare experience, is a qualified NLP practitioner and is passionate about behavioural science and pioneering the use of new thinking and approaches.

Ben is fascinated by understanding why people do what they do and how this can be leveraged, how insight can be turned into action, to influence behaviour.

Emilie brings with her over 7 years experience in the pharmaceutical research industry.

Emilie is well versed in qualitative and quantitative methodologies and has extensive experience in managing large scale multi-market projects.

She is passionate about bringing the patient voice at the fore to help clients make patient-centric decisions. 

Online booking:

This webinar is free for members to attend. Click on the register for event button below

Please note you must be logged in as a member to book online. If you belong to a BHBIA member company but don't yet have a log in please register now to join your company's membership.