Fieldwork Forum - June 2020
Via WebEx
Thursday 11 June 2020, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Full members can now view the proceedings of the forum (you'll need to be logged in to access the document - a link will then appear below this text).
Fieldwork Forum Leadership changes confirmed at this meeting were:
- Adam Irwin, GKA takes over from Xavier Fonder, RONIN International, as the new Chair
- Vincent Wills, Dynata remains as Deputy Chair
- Neil Reynolds, medeConnect Healthcare Insight is the new BHBIA Board Link, taking over from Rob Heathcote, IQVIA.
Xavier was thanked for his exceptional dedication and leadership during his time as Chair, and also (virtually) presented with his BHBIA Outstanding Contribution Award, for achievements which include his Fieldwork Forum contribution. We also thanked Rob for his valuable input as Board Link.
Post-meeting update: We are pleased to announce that Rachael Turner, Adelphi Research has been appointed to the Fieldwork Forum secretary role.
This meeting was held via WebEx, as an interim touchpoint before we can return to face to face forums.
Our Fieldwork Forums are focussed on ways to foster best practice and to make sure that fieldwork-related issues are given appropriate prominence with the BHBIA membership generally as well as at our major meetings.
The BHBIA are very keen that our fieldwork members have the opportunity for a stronger voice and increased recognition as valued partners in the market research process. You are very welcome to attend whether or not you have been to one of the previous Fieldwork Forum meetings - and whether you are from a fieldwork company, a market research agency that conducts and/or commissions fieldwork or a pharma client company. BHBIA Personal Members with an interest in fieldwork are also welcome.
Please do come along and get involved!
Outline Agenda
Introductions and BHBIA Announcements
- Including changes to Fieldwork Forum leadership
Session 1
- Nada Sahinagic, Project Director at KeyQuest Health Ltd. sets the scene by sharing their findings from investigating the situation on the ground since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Adam Irwin, Managing Director, GKA will then take us through their latest insight, bringing us up-to-speed with the current situation across the NHS, and what the prospects are for face-to-face research are in the coming weeks and months.
- Followed by Q & A
Session 2
- Vyara Dimitrova, VP Commercial Strategy at FocusVision will present / demo their platform used to host market research for clients and how they are using this in Healthcare with Pharma.
- Followed by Q & A
General discussion and questions to the group
- Including ideas for future discussion topics for the forum
There is no charge for this event
Online Booking
Click on the ‘register for event’ button at the bottom of this page. Please note you must be logged in to book online.
Attendance at this forum is restricted to full BHBIA members only. We will email you to confirm your place and to provide log in details. Please do let us know if you later find that you are unable to attend, so that your place can be given to someone else (or to advise us if a colleague will be taking your place).