BOBI Awards 2020 Live!
Friday 04 December 2020, Streaming starts at 5pm
The video recordings are now available for anyone who missed the event:
- The BHBIA hits 60! - A well cut diamond? Or a lump of coal? - Paul O’Nions, BHBIA Chairman and Claire Mottershead, Adelphi Research - view video via the About us page
- BOBI Awards Ceremony - Hosted by Wilf Iliffe and Kelly West, BOBI Committee - view video via the BOBI Winners page
Carers Trust charity collection:
Please consider making a small via our JustGiving page donation to Carers Trust, the BHBIA's chosen charity to support at our winter events. As you may be aware, the BHBIA regularly supports the Carers Trust through our Winter Seminar raffle. That’s obviously not been possible this year, but we’d really like to continue to help carers in the UK.
The 2020 BOBI Awards Ceremony will take place on 4th December. We're very excited about this event which is the first of its kind for the BHBIA:
- All the pizazz of the BOBI Awards Ceremony livestreamed to the comfort of your sofa;
- Sign up to see which of the Highly Commended entries has won each of the awards;
- Celebrate or commiserate with them live, via Twitter (#BOBIawards);
- Filmed by a professional AV crew, with our presenters on stage and our sponsors joining us via video.
The BOBI Awards Ceremony will be preceded at 5pm by:
The BHBIA hits 60! - A well cut diamond? Or a lump of coal?
The BHBIA believes that the UK is the place to be for excellence in healthcare insight.
In this session, BHBIA Chairman Paul O’Nions will be joined by Claire Mottershead of Adelphi Research, to share with you the key findings of a major research project that Adelphi conducted during 2019 on behalf of the BHBIA. The research explored pharma company executives’ views on the future of business intelligence within the industry, and what this means for the BHBIA – to help us create our vision for the future and build momentum to achieve it.
Paul will go on to explain our vision, and how this feeds into
our goal for the BHBIA to be the industry association for thought
leadership, professional development and ethical standards for deriving
insights within UK healthcare.
Timetable for the evening:
5pm: The BHBIA turns 60
- Paul O’Nions and Claire Mottershead
10 minute break
6pm: BOBI Awards Ceremony
- Hosted by Wilf Iliffe and Kelly West
The event will end at approximately 6.40pm
Online Booking
Click on the ‘register for event’ button at the bottom of this page. Please note you must be logged in or join as a registered user to book online.
This event is free to attend and open to all. Book now, and, closer to the event, we'll send you a link to join the live stream on 4th December. You will be able to share this link with colleagues and other contacts.