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BHBIA Speaker Profile: Kruti Popat, Viv Farr, Steve Lowery, Rich Hutchings

The BHBIA are delighted to introduce you to our speakers for this event, please read their profiles below:

Kruti Popat - Head of Data Insights & Analytics | Boehringer Ingleheim | Course Director 

LinkedIn: Kruti Popat

Kruti originally trained as a pharmacist before moving into the healthcare business intelligence industry. She has extensive experience at senior level in both pharma and agency roles where she has built and led highly regarded Insights & Analytics functions.  Throughout, her career Kruti has been involved in the planning and launch of several successful products across a range of therapy areas so is best placed to share her experience of utilising the different data sources and research techniques available. Kruti previously sat as a BHBIA Board member, during which time she was involved in the development of its Skills Framework. She has also headed up the Getting Started course for several years: "I’ve always been a BHBIA advocate, and it’s great to have the opportunity to discuss, debate and learn so I’m especially thrilled to get involved with the development of the skills framework to underpin professional development and support members to fulfil their potential career paths. It’s an exciting time to be involved in healthcare business insights with the environment continuing to evolve and digital playing an increasing role, it becomes even more crucial to understand customers’ preferences and support robust decision making to shape future commercial activities". 

Viv Farr – Managing Director | Narrative Health 

LinkedIn: Viv Farr

Viv has put her wealth of experience to good use in setting up Narrative Health.  Her experience has been gained throughout the product lifecycle from her Ph.D. (in pre-clinical drug development), experience of working on clinical trials, to the last 15 years in market research. This involved both FMCG but predominantly healthcare research, with Ipsos Mori and Cello where she was involved in strategy development and head of several key accounts.  Viv has presented at numerous conferences on digital transformation, innovation in research and, like many BHBIA members, spends a lot of time doing customer journey and persona development research.   Viv won the John Wheeler Award is for the Best Training Session at the BHBIA 2022 Conference for her 'NHS: Guess who?' session. 

Steve Lowery - Co-Founder and Director | Red Leaf Research 

LinkedIn: Steve Lowry

Steve has over 20 years’ MR experience and has had experience in senior roles both agency and client side. Steve has a proven track record in providing high quality research, managing accounts, building and managing teams and developing and implementing strategy. He has had a strong presence within the UK healthcare MR industry over the years and has been a regular speaker at BHBIA conference. He also headed up the BHBIA Talent Attraction Steering Group, which had the goal of attracting more talented graduates into a career in healthcare market research.   

Rich Hutchings - Oncology Snr Commercial Insights and Business Translator | Bayer

LinkedIn: Rich Hutchings

Rich joined the BHBIA ethics and compliance committee in 2023 representing the pharmaceutical industry. He is a senior insights manager for Bayer, partnering with the Bayer UK Oncology team to provide insights and data analysis to inform brand team strategy, and is the market research lead for the Bayer UK team. Prior to taking a client-side role Rich worked for 10 years in market research agency roles – so has seen multiple sides of the pharma market research industry.

Speakers supporting BHBIA Professional Development do so in order to promote Thought Leadership, discussion, and innovation for the benefit of the membership. They also do this on a voluntary basis for which the BHBIA is grateful. Don't forget to provide your feedback scores for the event as these will enter the event and speakers into our annual BHBIA Professional Development Awards - recognising excellence in Thought Leadership.