Ethics and Guidelines Training
Guidelines in Action
Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD
Thursday 17 October 2019, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
A practical, exercise-based workshop helping you understand how the BHBIA Guidelines apply to your current projects and those you may need to run in the future
Coffee and Registration at 9.00am for a 9.30am start
Who is this workshop for?
Anyone who wants to become more knowledgeable and confident about approaching compliance issues throughout the market research process
- Suitable for all healthcare market researchers, whether you work in a market research agency, pharma company or fieldwork organisation, and whether or not you have any specific compliance responsibilities;
- Previous attendees have also included people working in a pharma compliance or medical departments who are keen to deep dive specific legal and ethical issues that may arise in market research.
The workshop will give you a chance to:
- Go beyond the online training by looking at more complex scenarios and grey areas;
- Focus on pragmatic application of the BHBIA Legal and Ethical Guidelines and ABPI/BHBIA Guidelines for Adverse Event Reporting;
- Take a break from your day job to engage with compliance, become more familiar with resources available to you and become more confident in what they mean for your organisation;
- Learn from our conveners and other delegates in candid discussions around issues they have faced in a range of different roles, either commissioning, designing or fielding market research;
- Get to grips with the impact of data protection legislation on the guidelines.
We are very grateful to the organisations and individuals that give their time and expertise on a voluntary basis to run training courses on behalf of the BHBIA - in this case members of the BHBIA Ethics & Compliance Committee.
Provisional Programme
09.00 - Coffee and Registration
09:30 - Start
Introductions & delegate presentations/personal goals
Programme for the rest of the day:
- Purpose, Scope and Key Principles
- The RfP - Our Obligations
- Exercise 1 – RfP - What's Missing?
- Sample, Respondent Ethics and Data Protection requirements
- Exercise 2 – The Proposal - Triggers and Concerns
- Recruitment and Reimbursement
- Exercise 3 – Data Protection and Recruitment - 'The Ethics Advisor'
- Design of Materials - Questionnaires, Guides and Stimulus Materials
- Exercise 4 – Critique and Correct
- Fieldwork and AE/PC/SRS Collection - including a discussion of real-life queries received by the BHBIA around AE reporting
- Exercise 5 – Research Manager’s Inbox
- Analysis, Reporting, Study Closure and Publication
- Q&A & Conclusions
16.50 - Close
Speaker details
Catherine Ayland is an independent market research consultant specialising in the healthcare field. Catherine has been the BHBIA’s independent Ethics Consultant since 2005 and in this capacity she is responsible for developing and maintaining the BHBIA’s Legal and Ethical Guidelines. Prior to working as a freelance consultant, which she has done for the last 15 years, Catherine spent 13 years on the client side, ultimately heading up the international market research team within Boots Pharmaceuticals.
Catherine's role involves regular liaison with the MRS, the ABPI (Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry), the PMCPA (the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority), the ICO (information Commissioners Office) and with EphMRA (European Pharmaceutical Market Research Association) and ESOMAR too.
Xavier Fonder has been in the research industry since 2013 and is the Delivery & Compliance Director for RONIN International, taking overall responsibility for compliance and operational delivery.
Having had a range of roles covering the full breadth of fieldwork capabilities and methodologies, he now sits on the management team focusing on pragmatic ways to use best practice for good business, implementing strategic initiatives to support every step of the research process, building confidence in all teams to take informed decisions for improved outcomes and ongoing knowledge-sharing, and supporting clients and colleagues alike with commercially-viable solutions to compliance challenges.
Xavier is on the BHBIA Ethics & Compliance Committee and chairs the BHBIA Fieldwork Forum.
Delegate Fees
'Early bird' delegate fees for bookings made on or before the 10th September 2019 (early-bird deadline extended for this event due to the summer break):
- Members: £404 + VAT
- Non-Members: £494 + VAT
(These prices include a 10% early booking discount).
Cancellation Policy for early bird bookings: full fee payable / no refunds given; however a substitute delegate can be accepted. (Our standard cancellation policy does not apply).
Delegate Fees for bookings made after the 10th September 2019:
- Members: £449 + VAT
- Non-Members: £549 + VAT
Cancellation Policy: standard cancellation policy applies, as stated on booking form
Online Booking - Click on the register for event button below. Please note you must be logged in if you are a member or join as a registered user to book online. VAT will be added when you click Register for Event