NEW BHBIA Navigating the Future of Research with ChatGPT & Generative AI
Thursday 22 February 2024, 12:30PM - 1:30PM

Are you ready to supercharge your research with the latest Generative AI tools?
Join us to dive into the world of cutting-edge AI tools and learn how you can use them today to streamline market research processes, enhance existing methods, and provide deeper, more accurate insights.
Webinar recording now available
Full BHBIA members only - you will need to log in to access it - once logged in, the link and password will appear on the page below this text.
In this engaging session, we'll walk you through real-world examples showcasing how AI tools like ChatGPT and Generative AI are already transforming data analysis, survey design, and open-ended response interpretation.
What can you expect?
- An up-to-date exploration of how Generative AI is reshaping the landscape of healthcare market research.
- Insights into the key areas where Generative AI provides the most value, from RFP receipt to ideation, design, and delivery.
- A glimpse into the immediate and future opportunities for harnessing the potential of Generative AI.
- Understanding the limitations of Generative AI and navigating early challenges in its application.
Who should attend?
This training is essential for all insights professionals, whether you're a seasoned leader or a market research practitioner. AI technologies like Generative AI have the potential to redefine the future of research, and by participating, you'll play a vital role in shaping that future. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your research game.
This webinar may be a useful introduction to the practical applications of AI into Healthcare Market Research ahead of bhbia2024, where the subject will feature on the programme.
For those then wishing to put theory into practice, Abigail and Hannah will host a virtual workshop in June: AI-Powered Healthcare Research: A Masterclass in ChatGPT and Generative AI Tools, giving you the chance to road test AI tools in a non project environment. Spaces will be limited - book soon to avoid disappointment.
This webinar will be run by Abigail Stuart and Hannah Mann, Founding Partners from Day One Strategy Ltd. To find out more about Abigail Stuart and Hannah Mann and their experience in this area read their full profile in the BHBIA Speakers link on the right.
Speakers supporting BHBIA Professional Development do so in order to promote Thought Leadership, discussion and innovation for the benefit of the membership. They also do this on a voluntary basis for which the BHBIA is grateful. Don't forget to provide your feedback scores for the event as these will enter the event and speakers into our annual BHBIA Professional Development Awards - recognising excellence in Thought Leadership.
Fees and booking
Webinars are a free benefit to all BHBIA Members. Please note you must be logged in if you are a member or join as a registered user to book online.