BHBIA Neurodiversity and the Interface with Healthcare
Wednesday 30 April 2025, 1:00PM - 2:00PM

How does it feel as a neurodiverse individual to interact with the healthcare system? We will share individual stories of these experiences and how these could be improved.
In addition, we will discuss ways that we as market researchers can make sure that our research is adapted to the needs of neurodiverse individuals..
To raise awareness of the challenges faced by neurodiverse individuals when engaging with healthcare and to provide some practical tips on research design for neurodiverse respondents.
What can you expect?
To gain insight into the experience of neurodiverse individuals when interacting with healthcare and to learn practical ways to design research to maximise engagement with neurodiverse respondents
Who should attend?
All BHBIA members.
To see full details of the day and detailed timings please expand the section below:
13.00 - Introduction
Joel Jitell, Chair, BHBIA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Committee
13.05 - Interacting with Healthcare as a neurodiverse individual
Christine Hemphill, Managing Director | OPEN INCLUSION and current Chair of MRS Unlimited (the Market Research Society's disability-inclusion researchers and research sector group) and Romane Donat, Associate Director of Qualitative Research | IPSOS and co-chair of IPSOS' Neurodiversity network
13.35 - Designing Research to get the best from neurodiverse respondents
Christine Hemphill, Managing Director | OPEN INCLUSION and current Chair of MRS Unlimited (the Market Research Society's disability-inclusion researchers and research sector group) and Romane Donat, Associate Director of Qualitative Research | IPSOS and co-chair of IPSOS' Neurodiversity network
13.45 - Panel Discussions
All speakers, moderated by Bridget Pumfery, Deputy Chair, BHBIA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Committee
14.00 - Close
This webinar will be run by Christine Hemphill, Managing Director | OPEN INCLUSION and current Chair of MRS Unlimited (the Market Research Society's disability-inclusion researchers and research sector group) and Romane Donat, Associate Director of Qualitative Research | IPSOS and co-chair of IPSOS' Neurodiversity network. To find out more about Christine and Romane and their experience in this area read their full profiles in the BHBIA Speakers link on the right.
Speakers supporting BHBIA do so in order to promote Thought Leadership, discussion and innovation for the benefit of the membership. They also do this on a voluntary basis for which the BHBIA is grateful. Don't forget to provide your feedback scores for the event as these will enter the event and speakers into our annual BHBIA Professional Development Awards - recognising excellence in Thought Leadership.
Fees and booking
Webinars are a free benefit to all BHBIA Members. Please note you must be logged in if you are a member or join as a registered user to book online.