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Personal Members Forum 2018

County Hall, Riverside Building, Belvedere Road, London, SE1 7PB
Thursday 06 September 2018, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

A small group of personal members attended this event, at which our guest speaker, Tracey White of the ICG - Expert Independent Researchers group, discussed 'The Power of Independence' - how the ICG offers connection, inspiration and support to empower its members.

Tracey explained how the organisation offers its members a range of resources, including free webinars, as well as networking events. A lot of information is freely available on their website (

Companies looking for an independent researcher can search the ICG website using various criteria, and the site uses an algorithm to display a list of possible consultants in order of likely suitability.

ICG members also have an E-group that they use to access live help and advice, and to share business opportunities.

View the meeting slides here

The group discussed possible learnings for the BHBIA, which we can feed into the plans for the new BHBIA website.

Going forward, we are keeping a dialogue with the ICG open, so that we can consider potential further opportunities for collaboration between the two organisations in the future.

Meeting information

The Personal Members’ Forum is free to attend and will take place from 12:30 to 13:30 - i.e. immediately before the Members’ Exchange Forum. The Summer Evening Event then follows on in the evening.

The timing is designed to allow you to attend any or all of these other events. Lunch will be provided during the forum.

Venue: County Hall, Riverside Building, Belvedere Road, London, SE1 7PB (view map).

The objective of the event is to enable personal members to network with other freelancers and also to discuss specific issues that are pertinent to you in your role as independent researchers.

Please note the Members’ Exchange forum is subsidised by the BHBIA to facilitate broad attendance and there will be no additional charge for coming to the Personal Members meeting. However you do need to make a specific, separate booking for the Personal Members' Forum.

Online Booking - Bookings have now closed for this event. If you have a query with an existing booking, please email

(You can view the proceedings of past Personal Members Forums and other recent member forums. Full members only - you will need to log in).