Personal Members WebEx
Friday 17 November 2017, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
This event is only for BHBIA Personal Members and Personal Certified Non-Members. It will be specifically tailored to the needs of independent consultants/freelancers.
Please only sign up if this applies to you.
The main theme of this WebEx event will be the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes into effect next May and is likely to affect all business intelligence professionals.
- The implications of GDPR were discussed in depth at the BHBIA Seminar on 7th September (full members can view the slides and Q&A from the meeting here), but we are conscious that it's not easy for everyone to attend face to face to face meetings, so we wanted to provide this additional opportunity for you to hear about what resources are available, key take-outs from the meeting that are pertinent to independent consultants and to ask your specific questions.
- There will also be a chance to cover any other issues of specific relevance to our roles as freelancers/sole traders that members would like to raise.
- On a special one-off basis, we are also pleased to welcome Personal Certified Non-Members to this meeting - we hope that you can join us and hear more about what the BHBIA has to offer.
In advance of the webinar, you can submit your questions (either related to GDPR or any other pertinent issues relevant to independent consultants) - click here to submit questions via SmartSurvey
Please read the existing GDPR resources first - slides/Q&A from the seminar in September (full members only) and GDPR Guides (available to all) - as your question may already have been answered. In any case, we recommend that you read these documents in order to come prepared to get the most from the webinar - as there is only a limited amount of detail that we can cover.