BHBIA Terms & Conditions
The following terms will apply for all bookings for BHBIA events/courses regardless of whether these are free events or whether you pay to attend. When we mention “BHBIA”, “we”, “us” or “our” in these terms, we are referring to British Healthcare Business Intelligence Association. When we mention “they”, “you”, “your” or “their” we are referring to the event/course delegates whether they book their own place or someone makes a booking on their behalf and whether this booking is made via our website ( or by email exchange.
- All delegate places are payable prior to the event. Payment can be made online during the booking process or via
- VAT will be charged at the prevailing rate.
- Delegate places cover one delegate only and must not be shared. Where sharing is found to have taken place we will bill the full fee for every attendee.
- All cancellations must be notified in writing to
- Detailed cancellation policies for early bird and standard bookings, including deadlines for early bird rates, are provided on each event/course page on the website.
- For early bird bookings, names must be provided when booking and early bird places are non-refundable but may be transferred to another person if required.
- Cancellations of standard bookings can only be accepted in writing to the BHBIA, St James House, Vicar Lane, Sheffield S1 2EX or by email to Full refunds can only be given against a booking if written cancellation is received four weeks prior to the event. After this time, no refunds will be given, however a substitute delegate can be accepted.
- If you are unable to attend the event you have booked BHBIA cannot transfer your booking to a different date or event however we can substitute your place to another person at your company.
- BHBIA reserves the right to alter the programme, speakers, dates or venue at any time, without notice. Should for any reason the venue change or the event be cancelled due to an act of terrorism, extreme weather, disease control, industrial action, act of God or any eventuality beyond the control of BHBIA, we shall endeavour to reschedule; but you hereby indemnify BHBIA and hold BHBIA harmless from and against any costs, damages and expenses, including legal fees, incurred by you.
- BHBIA accepts no responsibility for the opinions of speakers or any other persons expressed on or at its events/courses.
- Special dietary requirements must be included in the online booking or emailed to a week prior to the event/course.
- Where event presentations are made available to members for download please note that due to copyright and/or market sensitivity issues, permission to distribute certain presentations may not be given to us.
- By attending the meeting/event, participants consent to be filmed and/or photographed for BHBIA purposes. You can request that we do not use your images or voice by emailing us at
- BHBIA events are carried out in compliance with competition law.
- In providing event services to you and in accordance with our privacy policy we will obtain and process your personal data. A copy of our privacy policy can be found here.
If you have any questions please call us on 01727 896085 or email: