1. STEP 1


  2. STEP 2


Special situations

Sensitive topics

May be sensitive to everyone due to the nature of the subject or may be sensitive to an individual, because of their history. A topic may also be sensitive to a group for cultural, religious or political reasons.

  • Respondents must be told explicitly of the subject and given an outline of the content of the discussion at recruitment
  • Respondents must be able to respond easily and in comfort to questions regarding sex and/or gender. Such questions should only be asked if necessary within the study

Vulnerable respondents

Those more susceptible than normal to physical or mental stress induced by research process, due to age, physical or mental health. It would also include individuals whose capacity to make voluntary and informed decisions is limited or compromised.

However, vulnerability is a complex and dynamic state that can affect anyone at any time for many different reasons. It is important not to make any assumptions about which conditions might or might not make a patient vulnerable.

The BHBIA guidelines include advice on design considerations and special planning for the research, as well as recommending that the following specific questions are considered in advance of any interviewing:

  • Is the market research justifiable?
  • Is the nature of interview and tasks involved appropriate?
  • Has the potential impact of the MR project upon the individual been assessed?
  • Should a carer or legal guardian be present?
  • Is additional time needed?
  • Is a specific environment needed? and/or specially trained interviewers?

Children and young people

In research terms, a ‘child’ is a minor i.e. 15 years old or under. A ‘young person’ is 16 or 17 years old. This reflects the UK MRS’s definition.

There are special considerations for research with children and young people including consent, and age-appropriate design of the data collection.

Refer to the following sections of the Guidelines for further information:

Section E5.3: Sensitive topics

Section F2: Vulnerable respondents

Section F3: Children and young people

…. accommodation of any additional requirements to protect the respondent