1. STEP 1


  2. STEP 2


What do the BHBIA Guidelines require of the design of stimulus materials?

Stimulus material
  • Must be fit for purpose and tailored to the audience for which it’s intended
  • The purpose must be clear, explicit and directly linked to the MR objectives
  • Should be examined to ensure that it does not contravene the ABPI Code
  • The ABPI Code of Practice provides guidelines for promotional material that can help guide stimulus material content

Respondents must be told and understand when they are providing feedback on:

  • Draft materials
  • Hypothetical scenarios
  • Assumptions
  • A product in development
  • An unlicensed indication

MR testing of promotional messages or materials (e.g. to assess reaction to them before or after launch) is allowable – there are no laws or industry regulations (healthcare or MR) that prohibit it. 

However, when testing promotional materials, it is essential that: 

  • it be made clear to the respondent in advance of the interview that they will be viewing potential promotional materials 
  • the reasons for showing them are clearly and directly linked to bona fide MR objectives 

Refer to the Guidelines - section E5.4: Stimulus material

  • Stimulus materials may include product profiles, draft adverts or detail aids or show cards. Hypothetical stimulus materials must be identified as such, and you may find that these don’t contain references
  • Look for the way materials are introduced and the language associated with introduction in the guide