1. STEP 1


  2. STEP 2


What is Market Research?

Market Research (MR) is generally commissioned by pharmaceutical companies to be conducted by specialist independent MR agencies

Primary MR is original, ad hoc research designed to address a specific business question

  • May be quantitative or qualitative in nature
  • Includes a range of methodologies: face to face, telephone, online, social media, focus groups, observational
  • Results are specific to the sponsoring company

Secondary MR involves collecting and using data that already exists

  • Includes NHS data, data collected & collated by a company, data searches via online sources, publications
  • Anyone can access and use the data (according to the data supplier’s conditions and taking into account any copyright considerations where appropriate)

This programme will focus on primary MR.

Refer to the following sections of the Guidelines for further information:

Section H1: Definition of Market Research

Section H2: Non Research Purpose

The BHBIA provides a ‘What is Market Research?’ resource with sections for healthcare professionals and members of the general public, explaining what MR is, in simple terms. 

  Our short Glossary of Key Terms covers some key definitions.