BHBIA notice of Annual General Meeting - 12th June 2023
May 19th, 2023
Monday 12th June 2023 - 4.20pm to 4.40pm
Hilton, Lakeside Way, Wembley, London HA9 0BU
We are writing to advise you that under section 10.1 of the BHBIA Articles of Association there will be an Annual General Meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Conference on 12th June 2023 at the Hilton, Lakeside Way, Wembley, London HA9 0BU. The meeting will commence at 4.20pm and is open to all members. Members wishing to just attend the AGM and not the BHBIA Annual Conference may attend the AGM free of charge from 4.20pm to 4.40pm.
Under section 10.3 of the BHBIA Articles of Association an email notification, including AGM agenda was sent to all member main contacts on the 19th May 2023. Members can view details on the links below. (Please note members will need to be logged in to gain access)
As outlined in section 16.5 of the BHBIA Articles of Association the Board reserve the right to authorise a proxy vote for a BHBIA Member if there are special circumstances which prevent the Member from being represented at the Annual General Meeting. Proxy vote applications must provide details of the special circumstances and must be presented in writing to the Company Chairman not less than fourteen days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting. The application must be signed by the approved responsible person from a Member company/agency/ consultancy or by the named individual in the case of personal Membership. The Board reserve the right to refuse applications.
We look forward to seeing you or your company’s representative at the AGM.
Yours Sincerely
Paul O'Nions
BHBIA Chairman