BHBIA Professional Development - Foundation Series
January 9th, 2025

The BHBIA Foundation Series
The BHBIA Foundation Series is a starting point for those new into Business Insights careers. It collates together relevant learning opportunities, workshops, industry certification, self study modules and peer network groups into one easy access point, providing a guided route through your first 12-18 months of professional development and training.
The Series is designed to start in September each year – kicking off with its new flagship Foundation Course, which offers a flexible one or two day option. Attendees receive a grounding in Healthcare BI roles, methodologies, data sources, and ethics & compliance requirements, as well as essential project management tools and working style profiles to hit the ground running upon their return to the office. Throughout the year the Series signposts to suggested follow on learning through additional workshops and online self-study. The Series also signposts new entrants to key industry Connect Groups, likeminded individuals within the Business Insights community who can become your career long support network.
Foundation Series:
- Getting Started in Healthcare Business Insights: Day 1 workshop
- Fast-track your Business Impact: Day 2 workshop (links to Business Skills Series)
- BHBIA Skills Framework: career development guide
- Practical Application of Legal & Ethical Guidelines: online training & certification
- Online Training: role relevant modules
- Guidelines In Action: workshop
- Influencing Without Authority: workshop (links to Business Skills Series)
- Challenging Conversations: workshop (links to Business Skills Series)
- Rising Stars and Analytics Connect Groups
How does it support you?
When new into a role, knowing what skills or knowledge to develop can take time to understand. It can then take further time to source the right interventions. The BHBIA has collated the Foundation Series to make this process simple and easy – simply follow the calendar of suggested events to feel confident you have the essential skills, knowledge and industry qualifications to succeed in your new Insights role.
For line managers the
Foundation Series is designed as a support tool. Direct your new starts towards a structured study
programme of the essential skills and knowledge for their Business Insights
role. The Series should sit alongside your organisation’s internal training
plans and processes – however this provides the opportunity for Business
Insight specific skills and training to be planned, particularly
if used in combination with the BHBIA Skills Framework.
Following the Foundation Series, the Business Skills Series offers longer term development opportunities depending on your role or personal needs.
We look forwards to welcoming you at a Foundation Series event soon!