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Spring Event 2021: The direct effect of COVID-19 on the Pharmaceutical landscape – event review

March 12th, 2021

This BHBIA member event took place on the afternoon of 25th February and explored key topics that will affect the whole healthcare industry, including 'hot off the press' research findings 
"Highly engaging and valuable. Great panel discussion. Sharing of key learnings which affect our industry."

We started with a presentation from Carolyn Chamberlain - Commercial Director, Blueprint Partnership and Mark Waker - Managing Director, MTW Consultancy on The Effect of COVID-19 on the Market Access Landscape - sharing the findings of the very recent research they've conducted with payers across both the EU5 and US.

These were the areas they looked at in the research. Carolyn and Mark explained their findings and went on to discuss what this may mean for our industry (and our sector of it):

The presentation was followed by a panel discussion in which Janneke van den Bent - Manager, SKIM, joined Carolyn and Mark for a lively discussionchaired by Board members Kate Stevens and Rob Heathcote, followed by Q&A with the delegates.

Full BHBIA members can now tune into the recordings of both the presentation and the panel discussion, and you can also download the slides - see details here

Delegate feedback

We've had some fantastic feedback about the event:

"The speakers were very engaging and offered well-thought-out insights on the future of market research in a post-COVID-world."

"It was valuable hearing about the payer survey results: interesting insights into current and future impact on healthcare systems and decision-making especially re. funding new technologies"

"I found the discussion very interesting. I know from research that patient care has been impacted, but this is the first presentation I've seen that really talked about the potential long term impact of not only that, but also the delayed approval processes.  It brought to light issues/potential pain points that I had not considered."

"The panel discussion was very interesting as it raised issues about the COVID effect that are only surfacing and which we (as the society as a whole) have not really integrated yet because we are so much in the present, but future implications are going be substantial"

"The panel debate came across as a genuine discussion between the individuals, they supported and challenged each other. Pleased to see the audience were also asking questions" 

BOBI Mini Challenge

We ended the day with an optional networking event - the BOBI Mini Challenge. Teams had to imagine they were the BI Team at Grove Biotech, which has been presented with an opportunity to in-licence a new product for the management of symptoms of ‘Long Covid’. Their task was to evaluate a forecast model and identify flaws or potential issues in the forecast assumptions.

It was a fun way to experience a little of what it's like to take part in the full BOBI Challenge - which will be back in 2022 when we can meet face to face.

Our next major event is the Annual Conference in May - we hope to see you there:

See full Conference programme here and book your 3-day ticket now (early-bird discount until 9th April)