Optimising Market Research Insights to Increase Business Impact - course review
April 8th, 2022
We were delighted to offer this successful half day workshop for the second time in 2022.
It was held on 17th March, and once again the conveners made great use of technology to optimise the interactivity, giving delegates a true 'workshop' experience. (See full course details here)
Our thanks to Jon Freeman, Synergy Healthcare Research and Georgina Cooper and Victoria Weaver, Basis Health.
Ben Walker, Adelphi Research (outgoing chair of the BHBIA Rising Stars group) chaired the event on behalf of the BHBIA. He summed up:
“It was a very interesting session to add further context on how best to activate insight into actionable recommendations. The elements about how best to make the insights ‘pop’ were also very interesting, and gave some great basis of thought for future research. Overall, a very useful and engaging session”
The workshop was in two parts.
Part one - run by Synergy Healthcare Research:
- This section helped delegates to better understand how to develop insights and actionable recommendations, and the role of market research in generating these. We explored the difference between data and insights and discussed how to answer the ‘so what’ and reach that ‘light bulb’ moment.
Jon Freeman commented:
“We were delighted to run this session discussing how the design and analysis of market research can identify deep customer insights. It was great to have such an interactive group of participants who helped make the session stimulating for all involved. Thank you to everyone who took part!"

Part two - run by Basis Health:
- We then explored how to make our actionable insights stand out. Attention spans are decreasing and distraction is omnipresent. This section provided hints, tips and illustrative case studies to help you evolve deliverables in line with technology advancements and the way we digest data now, to increase engagement and business impact.
Georgina Cooper emphasised:
"Storytelling and the art of communication can ensure actionable insights stand out from the crowd. These tools can increase engagement and drive a business impact, something which is critical in our industry"
Delegate feedback
Delegates rated the event very highly, in particular the breakout sessions and practical examples.
Other comments included:
"The pace of both sessions was good, allowing you to absorb what the speakers were sharing."
"The sessions certainly were non-promotional and objective"