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One-day Workshop

Big Data and Automation

Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD
Thursday 28 March 2019, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


This workshop will explore the implications of Big Data and innovative new data sources in healthcare, including social listening and other unstructured data sources. We’ll share practical examples of real Big Data analysis – what really happens, how is this progressing and what are some of the potential benefits to patients? Through discussion of case-studies, we will look at how to recognise opportunities for automation, its implementation and how can it benefit organisations in terms of improved speed, accuracy and cost savings, as well as exploring the pitfalls. What is the role for business intelligence professionals in this arena?

We are very grateful to the organisations and individuals that give their time and expertise on a voluntary basis to run training courses on behalf of the BHBIA.

Provisional Programme

9.00 Coffee and Registration 
9.30 Big data introduction and strategy  
The potential impact and issues of Big Data on the Pharma industry and Digital Healthcare and Healthcare Business Intelligence. Includes examples of issues faced and strategies being applied.
Led by Jonny Storey, Research Director, Diaceutics Ltd.  Featuring footage of a TED talk from Peter Speyer, Global Head of Digital, Medical & Real World Data Analytics Solutions at Novartis.

10.15 Data analysis and some practical issues and examples 
Session from Real World Analytics. Providing three practical examples and studies of the application of Big Data and NHS and demographic databases in Pharmacy.
Led by Conall Lavery, CEO at Real World Analytics, and Stephen Lavery, Data Scientist, Real World Analytics.

11.15 Coffee

11.30 Big Data driving Better Testing, Better Treatment 

Innovation in Healthcare Data has the potential to revolutionize Precision Medicine. However, the sustainable growth of this revolution can only be achieved when innovation is led by a privacy first approach. In this session, Derek Hosty will speak to the kinds of data that are driving this innovation, the kind of tools that will advance patient treatment and the strategies that can be employed to ensure it is used responsibly. 

Led by Derek Hosty, Head of Global Data, Diaceutics Ltd.

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Data science vs. Data analytics – what’s the difference?

With the explosion of big data in recent years we have seen an ever increasing interest in healthcare and other industries in the possibilities which big data offers. Generating valuable insight from this data is not trivial though, and requires particular skills, knowledge and techniques different to those required to generate insight from smaller datasets which companies are familiar with analysing as part of their standard ways of working. In healthcare we have seen the term data science increasingly used to refer to the work done by people trained in a blend of skills and techniques spanning mathematics, biostatistics, epidemiology, programming, and machine learning, who work with large complex patient level datasets to generate insights on the natural history of diseases, burden of illness, patient pathways, drugs utilisation, drug effectiveness, and drug safety. 

This session will use tangible examples to help the group better understand what data science is, how it is differentiated from data analytics, and what benefits data science can bring to healthcare companies. 

Led by Sarah Jenner, Data Scientist, IQVIA RWI

14.30 An overview of Automation and some examples of how it can be approached

Nigel will discuss the advances and limitations of automation in the context of reporting and exploring data. He will demonstrate how this can work with specific examples that have attempted to address the challenge of automation and look at how the different processes of automation can be viewed as a continuum from Non Automation to Artificial Intelligence. He will take a detailed look at text analytics, using the example of exploring Social Media data. 

Led by Nigel Cartman, Sales and Marketing Director - Europe, Q

15.30 Big Data Big 5

Are you starting your organisations’ data automation journey? Are you already underway but experiencing challenges? AbbVie’s award winning UK Data Transformation & Visualisation team have offered their top 5 tips for success. This session will form an interactive discussion between delegates to consider this advice and how it can be applied to your teams’ day to day activities. 

Nathan will co-chair the session and contribute additional big data principles and technical details to illustrate the big data big 5 discussion topics.

During this session we will also take a quick look at the BHBIA's Guidelines for the Use of Secondary Data series, in particular the guidance on Big Data and data protection - to be covered by BHBIA Ethics & Compliance Committee Member Darren Kottler.

Led by Kate Stevens, KES Consultancy and Nathan Byne, BBIC

16.30 Summary of the opportunity for Market Research/Business Intelligence/Analytics
Jonny Storey and Kate Stevens

Speaker details

Delegate Fees

'Early bird' delegate fees for bookings made on or before 5pm on 15th February 2019:

  • Members: £404 + VAT
  • Non-Members: £494 + VAT

(These prices include a 10% early booking discount).

Cancellation Policy for early bird bookings: full fee payable / no refunds given; however a substitute delegate can be accepted. (Our standard cancellation policy does not apply).

Delegate Fees for bookings made after 5pm on 15th February 2019:

  • Members: £449 + VAT
  • Non-Members: £549 + VAT

Cancellation Policy: standard cancellation policy applies, as stated on booking form

Online Booking - Click on the register for event button below. Please note you must be logged in if you are a member or join as a registered user to book online.