Ethics and Guidelines Training
Compliance by Design – developing your ethics expertise
Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD
Wednesday 07 February 2018, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
A workshop for researchers with a responsibility for compliance within pharma and agency organisations.
Our goal is to help you build and extend your compliance knowledge and provide an opportunity to share practices and problems with fellow professionals. The programme draws together a range of expert speakers from within and outside the BHBIA.
- The workshop will take you on an in-depth compliance journey through the ‘client/agency’ relationship from contract to audit;
- It will also examine the ways in which you can anticipate and manage changes that will affect compliance requirements.
Programme Details
Coffee and Registration at 9.30am for a prompt 10.00am start
Introduction - Pat Leach, MSD
Section 1: Setting Up - Setting in place the compliance foundation stones of the relationship
- Building a compliance culture within your organisation & working across functions - Pat Leach, MSD & Matteo Cappai, Ipsos
- Building & negotiating the contract - André Bywater, Cordery Compliance
- Who should provide what - materials & contacts - Pat Leach, MSD & Matteo Cappai, Ipsos
Ask the experts – discussion & question time - Julie Corney, Market Research Society (MRS)
Coffee Break
Section 2: Keeping Up - Keeping up with key compliance needs during the course of a MR project
- Data processing grounds – enabling market research, covering consent, legitimate interests & gaining consent - David Cole, fastmap with intro’ by Catherine Ayland, BHBIA Ethics Advisor
- ABPI Code of Practice requirements - Jane Landles, PMCPA
Ask the experts – discussion & question time - Julie Corney, MRS
- Record keeping, data storage & transfer - Catherine Ayland, BHBIA Ethics Advisor
- Navigating a Data Protection audit - Christine Dunbar, Adelphi Research & Mike Martin, Griffin House Consultancy
- Generating engagement - Motivating your colleagues to engage with compliance including training - Christine Dunbar, Adelphi Research
Ask the experts – discussion & question time - Julie Corney, MRS
Coffee Break
Section 3: Looking Up - Looking to the future, adapting to changes in relationships & in the environment
- Changing relationships, changing communication channels & communicating effectively - Paula Walker, Eli Lilly
- Changing tools - New methods, new data sources, new partners - Julie Corney, MRS
- Changing regulations & laws impacting adverse event reporting & data protection - Catherine Ayland, BHBIA Ethics Advisor
Ask the experts – discussion & question time - Julie Corney, MRS
Concluding comments - Pat Leach, MSD
Close by 5pm
See more details of the programme goals
Delegate Fees
'Early bird' delegate fees for bookings made more than 8 weeks before the event:
- Members: £404 + VAT
- Non-Members: £494 + VAT
(These prices include a 10% early booking discount - extended to 12th Jan for this workshop, due to the Christmas break).
Cancellation Policy for early bird bookings: full fee payable / no refunds given; however a substitute delegate can be accepted. (Our standard cancellation policy does not apply).
Delegate Fees within 8 weeks of the event:
- Members: £449 + VAT
- Non-Members: £549 + VAT
Cancellation Policy: standard cancellation policy applies, as stated on booking form