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Overview of the Workshop Objectives

Overview of the workshop objectives:

1. Provide context of how forecasts & models are used within healthcare companies & the industry in general, to drive business-critical decisions.

2. Give a flavour of the different approaches to forecast modelling, different available platforms / programmes & software and their most appropriate application vs. customised Excel spreadsheet models

  • Short-term tactical forecasting (12-18 month focus)
  • Mid-range strategic forecasting (3+ years)
  • Long-range strategic forecasting (5+ years)
  • In-market (launched) vs. development phase (pre-launch) product support & needs from forecasting
  • Static vs. dynamic forecasting methods
  • Specialist vs. GP product forecasting
  • Novel techniques for estimating market share through targeted patient capture
  • Aligning forecasting methodology, structure & assumptions/input variables to support marketing strategy & tactics
  • Process for building a forecast model

3. Align components of the workshop to daily role requirements & functionality of business analysts working for UK-based healthcare companies.

“Steering the business”:

  • Dealing with forecast requests from centralised functions (European/Global, international departments – top down / bottom up forecast ‘push’ )
  • Completing pre-formatted templates
  • Defending forecast submissions
  • Reviewing & challenging top-down centralised forecasts for the UK.

“Running the business”:

  • Supporting sales & brand teams to set sales targets
  • Helping to select sales & marketing activities to optimise available budget
  • Tracking ROI on selected market activities
  • Managing supply chain forecasting & demand planning activities
  • Multi-functional team working & support to market access processes
  • Communicating forecasts to senior management to support critical business decisions

4. Provide hands-on practical sessions in Excel

  • Working with data in Excel
  • Structuring data to enable use of Pivot objects for rapid analysis & extraction
  • Auto filters & other database / reference functions built into Excel to convert data into usable format to feed into & provide basis for forecasts
  • Short-term extrapolation techniques (avoiding straight lines & exponentials)

5. Increase efficiency & accuracy when dealing with data & working in Excel

  • Best practice (across industry & within Excel)
  • Key board shortcuts
  • Large scale manipulation of data & formulae
  • Working within Excel frameworks to organise data & calculations in optimal layout to minimise capacity for entry input errors
  • Formatting & workbook structure

6. Provide an overview of available data sources that would potentially be of use & applicability for UK operating companies for:

  • Demographic data
  • Patient populations
  • Diagnosis rates & hospital episode statistics
  • Prevalence rates & disease burden by health authority / region within the UK
  • Volume & prescription data
  • Bridging data gaps & finding relevant useful information

All delegates will be required to bring with them a laptop (with power cable) with Excel installed, since at least half the workshop will be practical sessions using Excel. Delegates will leave the day with knowledge & skills that can immediately be put into use.