One-day Workshop
Optimising Segmentation 2018
Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD
Tuesday 09 October 2018, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
This workshop will be in two parts:
Part one will explore what business challenges segmentation can answer and when to perform it, the different types, tools and analytics used, a framework for successful segmentation projects and how to develop outputs/impactful results.
Part two will focus on implementation – i.e. embedding customer segments within a pharma company’s business and practical tips for how to make segmentation work. The segments need to resonate with everyone that touches the brand, and every customer should understand the benefits of having their needs as the core focus of the organisation.
Provisional Programme
9:00: Coffee and Registration
9:30: Introduction
Introductions, Agenda and Timings
Personal introductions. Share interest in segmentation and expectations for the day.
9:45: Business challenges segmentation can answer
session briefly introduces and explains the fundamentals of
segmentation. Including topics such as: Why use segmentation? What
business challenges segmentation can answer? and When to perform
segmentation? along with sharing experiences on typical challenges and
pitfalls faced.
10:20 Framework for successful segmentation projects
session introduces a practical framework which can be used to design
and execute successful segmentation research. Each of the sequential
steps will be based on real business examples and provide delegates with
an approach, rationale and key goals to be achieved at each stage.
- Stage 1. Exploration
- Stage 2. Immersion and integration
11:00 Understanding the different types of segmentation
to follow the segmentation framework, this section will lead into the
data collection stage of a typical project and explore the different
types of segmentation which can be used and when each is most
- Stage 3. Data collection
11:30 Coffee break
11:45 The tools and analytics used in segmentation projects
brief glimpse into the analytics behind segmentation. Without going
into too much science, this stage will explain some of tools and
techniques used to derive a segmentation and the advantages and
disadvantages of each.
- Stage 4. Tools and analytics behind segmentation
12:15 Segmentation outputs and developing impactful results
best practice techniques to initially introduce the segmentation
solution to key stakeholders before wrapping up the session with final
debrief/output examples and a chance to ask any questions
- Stage 5. Preliminary workshop (introducing the segmentation solution)
- Stage 6. Outputs and developing impactful results
12:45 Lunch
13.30 Introduction to the afternoon session
of where we are and what will be covered in Part 2. Building on the
basics of segmentation, to delivering a clear marketing strategy
designed to resonate with everyone that touches the brand, and to every
target customers benefit.
14.00 Introduction to the 3-phase process – Finalization, Visualization, and Implementation
to focus on when deciding final segments and the process bring segments
to life using visualisation of both local vs global segmentations.
15.00 Tea break
15.15 Segmentation Activation
is by delivering the right message, by the right channel, to the right
customer – workshop session on activating segments.
16.30 Implementation materials and workshops
these are custom built for the operational needs of the business – a
number of examples will be shown from previous engagements.
16.45 Wrap up and close
This workshop is being run for us by Impact Health and Kantar Health. We are very grateful for their support.
Delegate Fees
'Early bird' delegate fees for bookings made more than 8 weeks before the event:
- Members: £404 + VAT
- Non-Members: £494 + VAT
(These prices include a 10% early booking discount).
Cancellation Policy for early bird bookings: full fee payable / no refunds given; however a substitute delegate can be accepted. (Our standard cancellation policy does not apply).
Delegate Fees within 8 weeks of the event:
- Members: £449 + VAT
- Non-Members: £549 + VAT
Cancellation Policy: standard cancellation policy applies, as stated on booking form