Winter Seminar 2018 - Deal or No Deal - A Patient Future
Royal College of General Practitioners, 30 Euston Square, London NW1 2FB
Friday 07 December 2018, 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Within the healthcare industry we are constantly faced with the challenge of change, and whether we see this as a burden or an opportunity to innovate has become much discussed.
The UK Healthcare system faces such challenge yet again; this time the reality of EU exit negotiations and new ministerial leadership have hit against the backdrop of ever-present funding and resourcing strain. And whilst our attention is focussed on the headline developments are we taking time to consider how this could impact on patients?
Leading voices from Commercial, Policy and Research expertise within the healthcare industry presented their views on the challenges and/or opportunities on the horizon for key areas within the NHS, before having the opportunity to debate the scale of impact this could have to our patients' future healthcare experience. What areas could be most in need of action to maintain patient care, where are the opportunities to support innovation, and are we ready?
Held once again at the Royal College of General Practitioners, the venue hosted attendees through expert speaker presentations, contribution and participation opportunities and a panel discussion to conclude. The meeting then broke for a more light-hearted Christmas lunch, after which attendees were free to depart or take advantage of the festive networking opportunities!
Registration & Coffee
Welcome & Introduction - Kate Stevens, BHBIA Board Director and Business Intelligence Analyst - KES Consultancy
An overview of the speakers and topics to be presented for the day in addition to setting out the day’s agenda
GDPR Update - Brexit Impact - Catherine Ayland, Independent Ethics Consultant to the BHBIA
The UK will leave the EU on 29th March 2019. UK data protection standards will remain the same after this date because the UK’s Data Protection Act 2018 and the EU’s Withdrawal Act 2018 incorporate the GDPR into UK law. However, if there is no Brexit agreement this will impact inter-country data protections issues as could a Brexit deal, depending on the nature of the deal. This update highlights key aspects of the possible impact and there will be a chance to ask questions about the implications for business intelligence practice.
Brexit and Life Sciences Update - Angela McFarlane, Market Development Director & Brexit Taskforce Chair - IQVIA
An overview of the Brexit story to date and a look through the key impacts faced by either a deal or a no deal situation. How will the exit from the European Union effect the UK’s participation in, and access to clinical trials and research projects in the future? What will this mean for critical conditions and access to innovative medicines for patients in the years to come and how is the UK preparing?
Tea & Coffee Break
Board members selling raffle tickets
Brexit, Borders, Customs and Supply Chain - David Butler FCIPS - Director, Compass Solutions
With changes to border controls and trade agreements on the horizon, how will a Brexit deal, or no deal, affect the medicines supply chain between the UK and Europe? How could this impact patients at the point of care and what scenarios should we be planning for in the short to long term?
Panel Discussion - All
Attendees and speakers will have the opportunity to discuss the learnings of the day guided by the voting outputs of the morning.
Wrap Up - Kate Stevens
Closing summary and details of the remainder of the afternoon
Drinks Reception
Board members selling raffle tickets
Christmas Lunch
Followed by a Charity Raffle for the Carers Trust - don't forget to bring cash for your tickets!